Abstract:In 2002, Pentwater, MI, was accepted for inclusion in the Monitoring Completed Navigation Projects Program. The objectives of the monitoring effort at Pentwater Harbor were to evaluate the design of existing pocket wave absorbers and to develop better design guidance for future pocket wave absorber projects. The study included collection of field wave data at Pentwater, physical modeling, and numerical modeling. Monitoring of the prototype harbor entrance was conducted during spring of 2003 and 2004. The field data provided a basis for validating the physical model. The physical model provided extensive data for the Pentwater configuration and eight other plans, as well as data for calibrating and validating the CGWAVE numerical model. It was concluded that the wave absorber design at Pentwater is very effective, maximizing energy dissipation per unit length of constructed absorber. In addition, guidelines are provided to aid in evaluation of other pocket wave absorber designs and to assist in future projects. Numerical modeling is an effective tool to aid in future evaluations and design.