Hippocampal atrophy, which is a component of hippocampal sclerosis and recognized commonly in human intractable epilepsy, is controversial in canine epilepsy. We examined the hippocampal volume in 58 epileptic dogs and 35 control dogs using magnetic resonance (MR) images, and calculated the relative hippocampal volume asymmetry of the right and left hippocampus. Subjectively, there were visible MR imaging abnormalities in seven of the 58 epileptic dogs (12%). The hippocampel volume asymmetric ratio of epileptic dogs (5.84 AE 4.47%) was significantly greater than that of control dogs (1.62 AE 0.88%). Using a cutoff threshold asymmetric ratio of 6% that is indicated in human epilepsy, 28 epileptic dogs (48%) were characterized as having unilateral hippocampus atrophy. The hippocampal volume asymmetry ratio cannot be used to detect bilateral atrophy. In conclusion, although less frequent than that observed in human epilepsy patients, hippocampal atrophy may occur in canine epilepsy. r