The nomadic Ihstyle of m@ants serious& hinders their access to and the continuity of appropriate educational services. As a result, migrant handicapped studsnts are both underidentified and underserved. One means of insuring the ddivery of appropriate educational services to migrant students is through assessment. Tha purpose of this article is to prwide educatgrs with gukklines for assessing the unique needs of migrant studmts. Soscific gid?li,x?s presented includs (a) idsntifying the student's language and cultural background, (b) exarninhg adsptive behavior, (c) using the PJigrmt Stucknt &cord Transfer Systzm (MSRTS), (d) deiermisnh g the stiidzzt 5 medw! r~d s , (e) iri?lolvi17g rrfgr5nt parents, (0 inbviwing the s t~d~i '~ teachers. (9) choosing anppiiate assessflent instruments, (h) emF,'oying curriculum-based assessment, and (i) eskb'ishing a ncf?wk cf cmmunify resomxs.