The development of flat pigmented lesions on chronically sun‐damaged (CSD) skin of the face may represent the clinical manifestation of a wide variety of hyperplastic/neoplastic melanocytic proliferations. We report the exceptional case of an acquired pigmented patch occurring on CSD skin, histopathologically characterized by diffuse hyperplasia of dendritic/spindled melanocytes in the superficial dermis within a widened band of actinic elastosis. This lesion was associated with a small focus of early invasive lentigo maligna melanoma (LMM). We show the melanocytic nature of the population of dermal pigmented cells by means of single and double immunohistochemical staining for melanocytic and histiocytic markers. The biologic significance of the focus of LMM within the hyperpigmented lesion (whether random collision phenomenon or causally related occurrence), as well as the pathogenesis of the whole dermal lesion are difficult to elucidate. Our case emphasizes the need for a better understanding of the pathophysiology of so‐called dermal melanocytes.