“…Hausler [I9581 developed an essentially new method, which seems t o be the only reliable histochemical procedure for CA demonstration in thin histological sections. In the classical work by Korhonen et al [ 19641, Hausler's method was employed for the first time in studies on the CA distribution in the nervous system; many similar studies followed [Korhonen and Korhonen, 1965;Korhonen and Hyyppa, 1967;Leder, 19661. The pC02 has a crucial influence on the excitability of the peripheral and central nervous system (review by Wyke, 1963). It was emphasized in a number of earlier publications from this laboratory that the influence of changes of pC02 on iieuronal excitability and function originates in the CA-containing glial cells [Svaetichin et al, 1961[Svaetichin et al, , 1963[Svaetichin et al, , 1965Negishi and Svaetichin, 19661. In experiments with frog nerve fiber, spinal ganglion cell, the retina [Negishi and Svaetichin, 19661, and cat cerebral cortex [Negishi et al, 19631, it was demonstrated that in Diamox-treated animals, the pCOz changes were without effect on the nervous function.…”