Nalbandov (1972) suggested that the ovum produces a "luteostatic" substance which prevents luteinization of granulosa cells. This suggestion was derived from three lines of observation: (1) surgical ovectomy in vivo induced luteinization and increased the output of progesterone into the ovarian venous blood of rabbits (El-Fouly, Cook, Nekola & Nalbandov, 1970) and pigs (Nalbandov, 1972); (2) rat granulosa cell monolayers cultured with only a few oocytes luteinized, whereas those cultured in the presence of many ova retained their granulosa cell morphology (Nekola & Nalbandov, 1971); and (3) oocytic degeneration on the 3rd day of culture of rat follicles coincided with morphological luteinization of the mural granulosa (Stoklosowa & Nalbandov, 1972).To test this hypothesis porcine granulosa cells were cultured with and without the addition of cumulus-enclosed porcine oocytes. Granulosa cells and oocytes were collected from medium and large follicles (3-12 mm) of pig ovaries removed at a local slaughterhouse. Within 20-30 min after death the ovaries were excised and placed in 0-9% (w/v) NaCl containing 100 i.u. penicillin/ml, and 100 pg streptomycin/ml and kept at room temperature until culture 3-5 h later. Details of granulosa cell and oocyte collection have been described elsewhere (Channing & Ledwitz-Rigby, 1975 ; Tsafriri & Channing, 1975a, b (Channing, 1974). The serum contained 66 pg total oestrogens/ml as measured by radio¬ immunoassay (Channing & Coudert, 1976). The progesterone content of the serum was 3-8-4-1 ng/ ml, using a modification (Channing & Coudert, 1976) of the radioimmunoassay developed by Thorneycroft & Stone (1970). Morphological luteinization and the number of cells in the cultures were assessed as described elsewhere (Channing, 1970a, b). To some of the cultures cumulusenclosed oocytes (50/culture) and/or ovine LH (NIH-LH-S19 ; 5 pg/ml) were added. Each treatment combination was tested in eight replicate cultures. At 12-h intervals the medium was changed and progesterone was determined by radioimmunoassay using an antiserum against 1 la-hydroxyprogesterone-BSA conjugate.The progesterone secretion rate by granulosa cell cultures with and without oocytes and LH during the 12 h intervals is presented in (Nicosia & Mikhail, 1975