Purpose:To study morphologic and histochemical alterations arising at the ileocystoplasty site. Methods: Sixteen Wistar female rats were subjected to ileocystoplasty and sacrificed after eight weeks. Material collected was divided into four groups for histological and histochemical studies: Group I (control) -isolated ileum segment removed during ileocystoplasty; Group II -ileoileal anastomosis; Group III -ileovesical anastomosis and Group IV -ileal segment from the neobladder. Histological and histochemical study assessed dysplasia, metaplasia, acute and chronic inflammation, fibrosis, atrophy, hypertrophy, total mucins, sialomucins and sulfomucins. The non-parametric Wilcoxon and Mann-Whitney tests were employed in statistical analysis. Results: None of the groups presented dysplasia. Acute inflammation and atrophy occurred in Groups II, III and IV, not reaching statistical significance. Metaplasia was significant only in Group III (p=0.012). Chronic inflammation, fibrosis and hypertrophy were significant in Groups II, III and IV. There was a significant increase in total mucin content in Group IV (p=0.014) and a reduction in Group III (p=0.016). Increases in sialomucins were observed in samples for Groups III (p=0.003) and IV (p=0.002) along with reduced sulfomucins in samples from Groups III (p=0.013) and IV (p=0.008). Conclusion: Ileocystoplasty in female rats caused squamous metaplasia, chronic inflammatory infiltration, fibrosis, hypertrophy, increase in sialomucin content, reduction in sulfomucins, and alterations in total mucin content with statistical significance, as well acute inflammatory infiltration and muscular atrophy with less intensity. Key words: Urinary Diversion. Neoplasm. Mucins. Sialomucins. Urinary Bladder. Ileum.
RESUMOObjetivo: Estudar alterações morfológicas e histoquímicas nas ileocistoplastias em ratos fêmea. Métodos: 16 ratos fêmea foram submetidos à ileocistoplastia, sacrificadas após oito semanas. O material coletado foi e dividido em quatro grupos para análise morfológica e histoquímica: Grupo I (controle) biópsia intestinal no momento da cirurgia; Grupo II -anastomose íleo-ileal; Grupo III -anastomose íleo-vesical e Grupo IV -segmento intestinal da neobexiga. Os parâmetros avaliados foram: displasia, metaplasia, processo inflamatório agudo e crônico, fibrose, atrofia, hipertrofia, conteúdo total de mucinas, sialomucinas e sulfomucinas. Utilizou-se os testes não-paramétricos de Wilcoxon e Mann-Whitney para estudo estatístico. Resultados: Não houve displasia. Processo inflamatório agudo e atrofia ocorreram nos grupos II, III e IV, sem significância estatística. Metaplasia com significância estatística ocorreu somente no grupo III (p=0.012). Processo inflamatório crônico, fibrose e hipertrofia foram significantes nos grupos II, III e IV. Observou-se aumento significante no conteúdo total de mucinas no grupo IV (p=0.014) e redução no grupo III (p=0.013). Aumento significante de sialomucinas foi observado nos grupos III (p=0.003) e IV (p=0.002) e redução significante das su...