C0(2) laser, contact Nd-YAG laser and Combolaser (combined CO(2) and Nd-YAG laser beam) vary distinctively in the way they interact with target tissue. To study the quality of mature scars produced by these lasers, the ultrastructure and amount of collagen in soft palate scars after 60 uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) operations were analysed. The CO(2) laser was used in 19, contact Nd-YAG in 21 and Combolaser in 20 operations. At a clinical follow-up examination carried out, on average, 51 (range 34-74) months postoperatively, a specimen was obtained from the soft palate scar for collagen analysis. Postoperative complaints of the patients were acknowledged. No differences between the laser groups were observed concerning the gross appearance of the scars or the amount and ultrastructure of collagen. Neither the frequency nor the quality of post-operative symptoms showed any differences between the lasers. Although the initial tissue effects are different, long-term remodelling produces nearly identical soft palate scars after the use of CO(2), contact Nd-YAG and Combolaser beams.