47In this paper, physico-chemical and structural properties of cut and cooked purple-flesh potato, green 48 bean pods and carrots have been studied. Three different cooking methods have been applied: traditional 49 cooking (boiling water at 100 °C), cook-vide (at 80 °C and 90 °C) and sous-vide (at 80 °C and 90 °C). Similar 50 firmness was obtained in potato applying the same cooking time using traditional cooking (100 °C), and 51 cook-vide and sous-vide at 90 °C, while in green beans and carrots the application of the sous-vide (90 °C) 52 required longer cooking times than cook-vide (90 °C) and traditional cooking (100 °C). Losses in 53anthocyanins (for purple-flesh potatoes) and ascorbic acid (for green beans) were higher applying 54 traditional cooking. β-carotene extraction increased in carrots with traditional cooking and cook-vide 55 (p<0.05). Cryo-SEM micrographs suggested higher swelling pressure of starch in potatoes cells cooked in 56 contact with water, such as traditional cooking and cook-vide. Traditional cooking was the most aggressive 57 treatment in green beans because the secondary walls were reduced compared with sous-vide and cook-58 vide. Sous-vide preserved organelles in the carrot cells, which could explain the lower extraction of β-59 carotene compared with cook-vide and traditional cooking. Sous-vide cooking of purple-flesh potato is 60 recommended to maintain its high anthocyanin content. Traditional boiling could be recommended for 61 carrots because increase β-carotenes availability. For green beans, cook-vide and sous-vide provided 62 products with higher ascorbic acid content. 63