The ALF transcription factor paralogs,AFF1, AFF2, AFF3andAFF4, are components of the transcriptional super elongation complex that regulates expression of genes involved in neurogenesis and development. We describe a new autosomal dominant disorder associated withde novomissense variants in the degron of AFF3, a nine amino acid sequence important for its degradation. Consistent with a causative role ofAFF3variants, the mutated AFF3 proteins show reduced clearance. Ten affected individuals were identified, and present with a recognizable pattern of anomalies, which we named KINSSHIP syndrome (KI for horseshoeKIdney, NS forNievergelt/Savarirayan type of mesomelic dysplasia, S forSeizures, H forHypertrichosis, I forIntellectual disability and P forPulmonary involvement), partially overlapping theAFF4associated CHOPS syndrome. An eleventh individual with a microdeletion encompassing only the transactivation domain and degron motif ofAFF3exhibited overlapping clinical features. A zebrafish overexpression model that shows body axis anomalies provides further support for the pathological effect of increased amount of AFF3 protein.Whereas homozygousAff3knockout mice display skeletal anomalies, kidney defects, brain malformation and neurological anomalies, knock-in animals modeling the microdeletion and the missense variants identified in affected individuals presented with lower mesomelic limb deformities and early lethality, respectively.Transcriptome analyses as well as the partial phenotypic overlap of syndromes associated withAFF3andAFF4variants suggest that ALF transcription factors are not redundant in contrast to what was previously suggested