DOI: 10.1177/0898756418759760
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Histopathologic Diagnoses From Biopsies of the Oral Cavity in 403 Dogs and 73 Cats

Abstract: This retrospective study documents the prevalence of various histopathological diagnoses within a practice specializing in veterinary dentistry and oral surgery. Histopathology results obtained from biopsies of oral lesions from 403 dogs and 73 cats were sorted and categorized. Lesions of inflammatory origin represented the most common histopathology result in cats (n = 37; 51%), followed by squamous cell carcinoma (n = 27; 37%). The most common histopathological diagnoses in dogs were malignant neoplasms (n =… Show more

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Cited by 36 publications
(98 citation statements)
References 80 publications
(157 reference statements)
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“…In accordance with previous studies, our results demonstrated that oral lesions were more common in mature adult male cats. 5,6 Also, corroborating a recent study from 2019, inflammatory oral lesions were found in approximately 60% of the case series. 5 A study from 2018 showed a slightly lower percentage (51%) in a smaller population of cats (n = 73).…”
Section: Discussionsupporting
confidence: 84%
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“…In accordance with previous studies, our results demonstrated that oral lesions were more common in mature adult male cats. 5,6 Also, corroborating a recent study from 2019, inflammatory oral lesions were found in approximately 60% of the case series. 5 A study from 2018 showed a slightly lower percentage (51%) in a smaller population of cats (n = 73).…”
Section: Discussionsupporting
confidence: 84%
“…[2][3][4] Feline oral cavity lesions can be inflammatory or neoplastic in nature and their final diagnosis requires a histopathological examination. According to the literature, feline chronic gingivostomatitis (FCGS) is the most prevalent inflammatory disease, 3,5,6 while eosinophilic granuloma complex (EGC) is the second most common inflammatory disease in cats. 1,5,7 When clinical signs of inflammation are diffuse, FCGS and EGC may be clinically indistinguishable, although the correct therapeutic approach for each case is quite distinct.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Quanto ao perfil racial, não há um consenso, mas o que é unânime entre a maioria dos trabalhos científicos acerca do tema é a incidência frequente do FOP na Boxer, e em demais braquicefálicos, tornando esse um elemento de predisposição. Já em relação ao sexo, há relatos em que o FOP é mais comum em machos não castrados, mas de modo geral os trabalhos evidenciam um aparente equilíbrio entre o acometimento de fêmeas e machos (YOSHIDA et al, 1999;VERSTRAETE et al, 1992;FELIZZOALA et al 2001;VERHAERT, 2010;KUMAR et al, 2015, WINGO, 2018).…”
Section: Discussionunclassified
“…O ameloblastoma, por sua vez, também identificado nesse paciente, a neoplasia de epitélio odontogênico mais descrita em cães (PRIEBE;MUNDAY et al, 2016;WINGO, 2018). Em estudo referente à caracterização histopatológica de lesões orais em 403 cães, as lesões neoplásicas foram as mais frequentes, e os tumores odontogênicos foram o segundo tipo mais diagnosticado (34%) (WINGO, 2018). Histologicamente o ameloblastoma pode ser classificado em: 1.…”
Section: Discussaounclassified
“…As neoplasias se destacam dentre as doenças que acometem os cães, pela elevada mortalidade, mas também pela incidência que corresponde a 13,2% dos atendimentos médico veterinários nessa espécie, o que resulta em um amplo número de pesquisas e publicações na área (PRIESTER, 1977;KOMSTA;LOPUSZYNSKI, 2008;MAINA et al, 2014;WINGO, 2018;SILVA et al, 2019;GORZA et al, 2019).…”
Section: Introducãounclassified