Hypersensitivity or allergy encompasses a wide range of immunological reactions that generally have adverse consequences involving one
or many organ systems of the body. Allergens are usually glycoprotein or chemically complex low molecular weight substances. The
common allergens include pollen, fungal spores, house dust mite and house dust, animal danders, drugs, foods, insect emanations, and
detritus, etc. Information on the role of insects in respiratory allergy is increasing in the literature. There are about 30 million living species
of insects. These insects can broadly be classified as stinging insects, biting insects and non-stinging and non-biting insects. All materials
form insets namely wings, scales, saliva; dried feces and venom can cause allergic diseases, such as rhinitis, conjunctivitis, asthma and
urticaria. There are wide varieties of insects such as moths, butterflies, bees, wasps, hornets, yellow jackets, flies, beetles, cockroaches, and
mosquitoes. Exposure to emanations and detritus of these insects may lead to several allergies in some genetically predisposed individuals.
Therefore, it is of interest to review allergies caused by various insect’s stings and bites and their adverse effect on the human body.