It is important to determine what opportunities exist in the processes of acquisition, preservation and realization of value constellations, relative to another person in the boarding school environment compared to other educational institutions regarding the use of the most important existential of practical life. Teachers pay attention to a number of factors that prevent the effective education of value attitude towards the person. There are crime, anger, sense of permissibility, low level of personal communication, irresponsible, life pessimism and etc. among them. Analysis of theoretical works and synthesis of scientific provisions suggest that value attitude towards another person is an integrated neoplasm, which is determined by humanistic ethics and morality and is based on moral values such as respect, dignity, equality, benevolence, balance, self-sufficiency, readiness for constructive dialogue. Therefore, the formation of the value of another person is a specially organized educational process, which defines the attitude towards another person, as the highest value of the subject of life, aimed at combining knowledge about such moral values as respect for dignity, equality, benevolence, balance, self-sufficiency, readiness for constructive dialogue, ideas about the ways of their manifestation and ability to guide them in their own activities. Thus, philosophical, psychological and pedagogical studies show that the value attitude towards another person is an important characteristic of the moral sphere of the individual and is most confirmed by humanistic ethics and morality and is the basis of domestic and international legislation, which needs the close attention and development of optimal pedagogical conditions for the formation of a value attitude towards another person in pupils of boarding schools, as the most impressionable category of children with a view to their socialization and full integration into society.