Tel: +31 43 3876643 Fax: +31 43 3876644 References 1. Aronson MD, Bor DH. Blood cultures. AM Intern Med 1987; 106: 246-53. 2. Ryan MR, Murray PR. Historical evolution of automated blood culture systems. Clin Mimbiol N e d e t t 1993; 1 5 105-8. 3. W b t e i n W. Current blood culture methods and systems: clinical concepts, technology, and interpretation of mule. Clin Infect Dis 1996; 23: 40-6. 4. Ziegler R, Johnsher I, Marms P, Lcnhardt D, Just H-M. Controlled clinical laboratory comparison of two supplemented aerobic and anaerobic media used in automated blood culture systems M detect bloodstream infections. J Clin Microbioll998; 3 6 65761. 5. Jorgcascn JH, Mirrct S, McDonald LC, et 11. Controlled clinical laboratory comparison of BACTEC plus aerobic/& medium with Bact/Alert aerobic F A N medium €or detection of bacteremia and f..9Mli.. J Clin Microbioll997; 35: 53-8. McRsen NEL, Jacobs JA. Blood volume in BACTEC plus/F culture bodes sampled using the direct-draw technique. Clin Microbiol Infect 1998 4 471-2. Alfa M, Sanche S, Roman S, Fiola Y, Lenton P, Harding G. Continuous quality improvements for introduction of automated blood cultun instrument. J Clin Microbiol 1995; 33: 1185-91. Martinez RM, Martinez R, P d Y, C w s J, Llosa J. A l m a g~~ M. An in&quent cause of false-positive blood cultures. Clin Microbiol Newslett 1993; 15: 7-8.
Rhnbdonryolysis in acute Q fever
Clin Minobiof Infect 1999; 5: 770-771Acute Q fever is a non-specific febrile illness caused by Cwciella burnetii. The most common clinical presentations of acute C. burnetii infection are atypical pneumonia and hepatitis [l]. Other complications of acute Q fever include hemolytic anemia, myocarditis, pericarditis, pancreatitis, thyroiditis, mesenteric panniculitis, mediastinal lymphadenopathy, orchitis, erythema nodosum and optic neuritis [2]. However, rhabdomyolysis is an apparently uncommon complication of C. burnetii infection, and this association has rarely been reported [MI. Here we report another case of severe