Stoffenmanager is an exposure and risk assessment tool that has a control banding part, with risk bands as outcome, and a quantitative exposure assessment part, with the 90 th percentile of the predicted exposure as a default outcome. The main aim of the study was to investigate whether multiple users of Stoffenmanager came to the same result when modelling the same scenarios. Other aims were to investigate the differences between outcomes of the control banding part with the measured risk quota and to evaluate the conservatism of the tool by testing whether the 90 th percentiles are above the measured median exposures. We investigated airborne exposures at companies in 4 different types of industry: wood, printing, metal foundry, and spray painting. Three scenarios were modelled and measured, when possible, at each company. When modelled, 13 users visited each company on the same occasion creating individual assessments. Consensus assessments were also modelled for each scenario by 6 occupational hygienists. The multiple users' outcomes were often spread over 2 risk bands in the control banding part, and the differences in the quantitative exposure outcomes for the highest and lowest assessments per scenario varied between a factor 2 and 100. Four parameters were difficult for the users to assess and had a large impact on the outcome: type of task, breathing zone, personal protection and control measures. Only 2 scenarios had a higher measured risk quota than predicted by the control banding part, also 2 scenarios had slightly higher measured median exposure value than modelled consensus in the quantitative exposure assessment part. Hence, the variability between users was large but the model performed well.