This is an author version of the contribution published on:Questa è la versione dell 'autore dell'opera: Labagnara, D., Patrucco, M., Rossetti, P., Pellegrino, V., 2013 - Sciences, 70(2), 2013, 857-868, DOI 10.1007/s12665-012-2174 The definitive version is available at: La versione definitiva è disponibile alla URL: post-print of: Labagnara et al. , 2013
AbstractThe modern approach to the design and management of tunnel excavation, and muck reuse, can be influenced to a great extent by the possible presence of rock formations containing asbestos minerals. This situation creates problems concerning the protection of the workers' health and the expectable environmental criticalities, while a drastic re-consideration of the muck destination is necessary.