Objective: To find out the significance of the PerforationOperation Interval (POI) with respect to an early prognosis, in patients with peritonitis which is caused by peptic ulcer perforation.Study Design: Case series.
Materials and Method:This study included 150 patients with generalized peritonitis, who were diagnosed to have Perforated Peptic Ulcers (PPUs). The diagnosis of the PPUs was established on the basis of the history , the clinical examination and the radiological findings. The perforation-operation interval was calculated from the time of onset of the symptoms like severe abdominal pain or vomiting till the time the patient was operated.Result: Out of the 150 patients 134 were males and 16 were females, with a male : female ratio of 9:1. Their ages ranged between 25-70 years. Out of the 150 patients, 65 patients (43.3%) presented within 24 hours of the onset of severe abdominal pain (Group A), 27 patients (18%) presented between 24-48 hours of the onset of severe abdominal pain (Group B) and 58 patients (38.6%) presented after 48 hours. There was no mortality in Group A and the morbidity was more in Group B and Group C. There were 15 deaths in Group C.
Conclusion:The problem of peptic ulcer perforation with its complication, can be decreased by decreasing the perforation -operation time interval, which as per our study, appeared to be the single most important mortality and morbidity indicator in peptic ulcer perforation.SuShama Surapaneni, rajKumar S, Vijaya bhaSKar reddy a.