Histological analysis of bleached samples of Siderastrea stellata Verrill, 1868, with white plague disease and with alteration in the color pattern, revealed drastic tissue and cellular disturbances, such as lysis of the external epithelium, hyperplasia of gastrodermis, apoptosis of epithelial cells and zooxanthellae, and degradation of mesenteric filaments and reproductive cells. Fungal hyphae, diatoms, and cyanobacteria were present in diseased samples and colonies with alteration in the color pattern. Furthermore, bleached and diseased samples showed significant reductions in the number of zooxanthellae per 100 µm2 of gastrodermis and significant reductions in the diameters and volumes of stage V oocytes. We found that bleaching events, diseases, and colonies with alteration in the color pattern promoted degradation of reproductive cells, resulting in the consequent interruption of the reproduction of the coral S. stellata, which is one of the most common Brazilian coral species. The implications of these indirect effects of bleaching, disease, and changes in coral color patterns in the population dynamics of Brazilian reefs are discussed.