Angiogenesis is an indispensable prerequisite for the progression and metastasis of solid malignancies. Tumor angiogenesis appears to be governed by alterations of tumor suppressor or oncogenes operant in a broad range of tumors. We have addressed this issue in neuroblastoma, a malignancy characterized by the near-exclusive ampli®cation and overexpression of the N-Myc oncogene. Here, we report that N-Myc overexpression results in down-regulation of interleukin-6 (IL-6) and that IL-6 is an inhibitor of endothelial cell proliferation and VEGF-induced rabbit corneal angiogenesis. STAT3 is instrumental for IL-6 activity as infection with adenoviruses expressing a phosphorylation de®cient STAT3 mutant renders endothelial cells insensitive to the antiproliferative action of IL-6. Finally, though IL-6 does not in¯uence neuroblastoma cell growth, IL-6-expressing xenograft tumors in mice exhibit reduced neovascularization and suppressed growth. Our data shed new light on the mechanisms by which N-myc oncogene ampli®cation enhances the malignant phenotype in neuroblastomas.