In dermatitis herpetiformis (DH) there are small intestinal abnormalities similar to those in adult coeliac disease (ACD) and there is evidence of other similarities between the two conditions, including immunological disturbances.
Two reports of patients with ACD have shown a distinctive distribution of HL‐A phenotypes, with a high incidence of HL‐Ai and 8. A recent paper has described an increased incidence of HL‐A8 in DH.
We report a similar study of patients with DH. Twenty‐one of thirty‐five patients had HL‐A8, an incidence of 60%, as compared to 33% of 175 controls. This difference is significant. The relationship of those patients with HL‐A8 to those with abnormal jejunal biopsies, and also to those with circulating auto‐antibodies, is discussed.