32Human herpesvirus (HHV)-6A or HHV-6B involvement in multiple sclerosis (MS) etiology 33 has remained controversial mainly due to the lack of serological methods that can distinguish 34 the two viruses. 35A novel multiplex serological assay measuring IgG reactivity against the immediate-early 36 protein 1 from HHV-6A (IE1A) and HHV-6B (IE1B) was used in a MS cohort (8742 persons 37 with MS and 7215 matched controls), and a pre-MS cohort (478 individuals and 476 matched 38 controls) to investigate this further. 39The IgG response against IE1A was positively associated with MS (OR = 1.55, p = 9x10 -22 ), 40and increased risk of future MS (OR = 2.22, p = 2x10 -5 ). An interaction was observed 41 between IE1A and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) antibody responses for MS risk (attributable 42 proportion = 0.24, p = 6x10 -6 ). In contrast, the IgG response against IE1B was negatively 43 associated with MS (OR = 0.74, p = 6x10 -11 ). The association did not differ between MS 44 subtypes or vary with severity of disease. The genetic control of HHV-6A/B antibody 45 responses were located to the Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) region and the strongest 46 association for IE1A was the DRB1In conclusion a role for HHV-6A in MS etiology is supported by an increased serological 49 response against HHV-6A IE1 protein, an interaction with EBV, and an association to HLA 50 genes. 51 52 53 54 55 herpesvirus 6 according to site and variant: possible greater neurotropism of variant A. Clin 595 Infect Dis (1998) 26(1):132-7. PubMed PMID: 9455521.596 3. Dewhurst S, McIntyre K, Schnabel K, Hall CB. Human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) variant B accounts 597 for the majority of symptomatic primary HHV-6 infections in a population of U.S. infants. J Clin 598 Microbiol (1993) 31(2):416-8. PubMed PMID: 8381815; PubMed Central PMCID: 599 PMCPMC262777.600 4. Hall CB, Long CE, Schnabel KC, Caserta MT, McIntyre KM, Costanzo MA, et al. Human 601 herpesvirus-6 infection in children. A prospective study of complications and reactivation. N Engl