Late neolithic cultural landscape in the Al-Jafr Basin, southern Jordan: a brief review in context
The Late Neolithic cultural landscape in southern Jordan waspoorly understood due to the deficiency of basic information. However, recent investigations are improving this situation. A good example is providedby the discovery of a Jericho IX pottery assemblage at Munqata’a near Tafileh, which offers a glimpse into the influence of an exotic culture onthe post-PPNB cultural landscape in southern Jordan. However, things are different in the al-Jafr Basin to the east, where a new adaptation strategy to cope with increasing aridification was sought within the context of the traditional PPNB outpost culture. The difference in cultural landscapes between the east and the west in this period ushers in the era of ‘the desertand the sown.’ In preparation for future comparative study, this paper briefly reviews past research outcomes in the basin and discusses the Late Neolithic cultural landscape at the arid margin of southern Jordan.