Let (X,g) be a closed Riemannian manifold of dimension n>0. Let normalΔ be the Laplacian on scriptX, and let false(ekfalse)k be an L2‐orthonormal and dense family of Laplace eigenfunctions with respective eigenvalues false(λkfalse)k. We assume that false(λkfalse)k is non‐decreasing and that the ek are real valued. Let false(ξkfalse)k be a sequence of independent and identically distributed N(0,1) random variables. For each L>0 and s∈R, possibly negative, set
Then, fLs is almost surely regular on its zero set. Let NL be the number of connected components of its zero set. If s0 such that NL∼νVolgfalse(scriptXfalse)Ln/2 in L1 and almost surely. In particular, Efalse[NLfalse]≍Ln/2. On the other hand, we prove that if s=n2, then
Efalse[NLfalse]≍Ln/2prefixln()L1/2.In the latter case, we also obtain an upper bound for the expected Euler characteristic of the zero set of fLs and for its Betti numbers. In the case s>n/2, the pointwise variance of fLs converges so it is not expected to have universal behavior as L→+∞.