Quantum computing's greatest challenge is scaling up. Several decades ago, classical computers faced the same problem and a single solution emerged: very-large-scale integration using silicon. Today's silicon chips consist of billions of field-effect transistors (FinFETs) in which current flow along the fin-shaped channel is controlled by wrap-around gates. The semiconductor industry currently employs fins of sub-10 nm width, small enough for quantum applications: at low temperature, an electron or hole can be trapped under the gate and serve as a spin qubit. An attractive benefit of silicon's advantageous scaling properties is that quantum hardware and its classical control circuitry can be integrated in the same package. This, however, requires qubit operation at temperatures greater than 1 K where the cooling is sufficient to overcome the heat dissipation. Here, we demonstrate that a silicon FinFET is an excellent host for spin qubits that operate even above 4 K. We achieve fast electrical control of hole spins with driving frequencies up to 150 MHz and single-qubit gate fidelities at the fault-tolerance threshold. The number of spin rotations before coherence is lost at these "hot" temperatures already matches or exceeds values on hole spin qubits at mK temperatures. While our devices feature both industry compatibility and quality, they are fabricated in a flexible and agile way to accelerate their development. This work paves the way towards large-scale integration of all-electrical and ultrafast spin qubits.Quantum dot (QD) spin qubits [1,2] in silicon (Si) have great potential for application in largescale quantum computation [3], owing to their long coherence times [4] and high quality factors [5][6][7]. Moreover, state-of-the-art complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) manufacturing processes [8][9][10] can be employed to engineer a dense array of interconnected spin qubits [11,12].Inspired by the great success of conventional integrated circuits, on-chip integration of the classical control electronics with the qubit array has been proposed to overcome the challenge in wiring up large numbers of multi-terminal QD devices [13]. Since the electronics produce heat, the amount of control functionality that can be implemented strongly depends on the available cooling power.