Abstract. The justification of some (often implicit) limit arguments used in the development of structured population models is discussed via two examples. The first example shows how a pair of sink-source terms may transform into a side condition relating the appearance of individuals in the interior of the individual state space to the outflow of individuals at its boundary. The second example considers the usual equation for size-dependent population growth in which it is implicitly assumed that discrete finitely-sized young are produced from infinitesimal contributions by all potential parents. The main mathematical tool for dealing with these examples is the Trotter-Kato theorem for one-parameter semigroups of bounded linear operators.Key words. structured population, limit transition, C0-semigroup, Trotter-Kato theorem AMS(MOS) subject classifications. 92A15, 35A35, 47005 l. Introduction. 1.1. Biological motivation: structured populations, semigroups of operators, and the need for model simplifications. The tenet of the physiologically structured approach to the modeling of the dynamics of populations as set out in Metz and Diekmann (1986) is that, provided all individuals experience the same environmental inputs such as food availability or chance of running into a predator, we may (and should) represent a population as a frequency distribution over a space D of potential states of the individuals comprising the population. (As we frequently need corresponding concepts on the individual and population levels we will, where necessary, use the prefixes iand p-to distinguish the corresponding terms, for example i-state versus p-state, where the latter refers to the frequency distribution.) The main effort in model construction is the determination of an appropriate state representation of i-behavior, where the i-behavior consists of (i) any contributions to population change such as giving birth or dying, and (ii) any quantities relevant to the calculation of the output from the population model, such as the rate at which the individual consumes food. If we make the assumption that the number of individuals is sufficiently large, then for any given course of the environment the present p-state should determine the future p-states in a deterministic and linear fashion. For a constant environment the maps relating subsequent p-states should form a linear semigroup.The transition from i-model to p-model is made through their differential generators. It is here that we leave biology and start doing mathematics: did we really write down a genuine differential generator, and what can be said about the properties of the semigroup so generated?Until now the attention has been mostly restricted to models where the i-state space n is a subset of !Rk, and where the individuals move through n according to the solution of an ordinary differential equation (ODE), possibly alternating with (usually randomly occurring) state jumps, for example, due to an individual losing weight when it splits off a daughter. The reasons ...