Hyperbolic Meta-Materials (HMMs) are anisotropic materials with permittivity tensor that has both positive and negative eigenvalues. Here we report that by using a type II HMM as cladding material, a waveguide which only supports higher order modes can be achieved, while the lower order modes become leaky and are absorbed in the HMM cladding. This counter-intuitive property can lead to novel application in optical communication and photonic integrated circuit. The loss in our HMM-Insulator-HMM (HIH) waveguide is smaller than that of similar guided mode in a Metal-Insulator-Metal (MIM) waveguide. c 2018 Optical Society of America Meta-materials are structures engineered at the subwavelength scale to exhibit specific electromagnetic properties. The development of nanofabrication techniques allows to make these structures and to realize new properties that are unobtainable with conventional media. Among the varieties of meta-materials, Hyperbolic Meta-Materials (HMMs) have gained tremendous attention. Their exotic hyperbolic dispersion property is the key to numerous emerging nano-photonics applications, including sub-diffraction-limit imaging [1][2][3][4][5][6][7], Purcell factor enhancement [8][9][10][11][12][13], sensing [14][15][16], and waveguide engineering [17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24]. Here we report a new application of HMM for waveguide spatial mode engineering, which brings up new possibility in Spatial-Division Multiplexing (SDM).SDM utilizes the last unexplored physical dimension, space, to further increase the data carrying capacity in optical communication [25]. The excitation and separation of spatial modes is essential in SDM [26]. In this letter, we propose a mode selective slab waveguide design by using a HMM as a cladding material. With a cladding consisting of HMM, the lower order modes with larger propagation constant become propagating wave in the HMM cladding material, such that they are turned into leaky modes. At the same time, higher order modes with smaller propagation constant are evanescent wave in the HMM cladding and remain guided in the core. Also by choosing the right parameter for the cladding one can design a 'single mode' waveguide only guiding one specific higher order mode, which can be applied as mode launcher or mode receiver in a SDM system. Compared to conventional spatial multiplexing techniques based on interference [27] or holography [28], our approach merely modifies the waveguide property and requires no extra optical component, which is more compact and efficient.We only consider transverse magnetic (TM) wave (E y = 0) because the hyperbolic cladding only has the desired property for this state of polarization. The TM wave is propagating in a slab waveguide core towards the positive z direction (Fig. 1a). The core thickness is 2a. The magnetic field of the mode is independent of the y-coordinate, and has the form H y = H(x) exp(iβ m z), where β m = k z,m is the propagation constant of the m th order mode along the z-direction, which satisfies the equation, where k...