The rolling bearing fault signals are accompanied with the specific periodic impulse components in case of fault. Due to the background noise, the periodic impulse component is extremely weak and difficult to be extracted. The periodic segment matrix (PSM) has excellent singular value aggregation property and can accurately separate the periodic impulse components from the signal. Based on this, a symplectic period mode decomposition (SPMD) method is proposed. Firstly, the singular value squared difference ratio (SVSDR) spectrum is defined, and the embedded dimension of PSM is determined. Then, the symplectic geometry component matrix is obtained by symplectic geometry similarity transformation, and the first symplectic geometry period component (SPC) is obtained by periodic impact intensity (PII). Finally, the spectral L2/L1 norm (SNL2/L1) index is used as the termination condition, and the iterative decomposition is terminated when the SNL2/L1 of the residual signal decreases. The emulation and experimental signals results indicate that the SPMD method can extract periodic impulse components accurately and is an effective rolling bearing fault diagnosis method.