SUMMARYThis paper describes five items in the field of measurement of electromagnetic waves and of electromagnetic interference (EMI) as related to electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), namely: interference measurement devices and the problem of site attenuation, to which Japan has contributed significantly, and the measurement of electromagnetic fields, electrostatic discharges (ESD), and EMI, and the immunity of communication equipment, to which Japan should be able to contribute substantially. With regard to electromagnetic field measurement, the electric field sensor using a MachZehnder interferometer, a spherical dipole antenna, and a broadband standard dipole antenna, developed in this country for practical use, are described with regard to their structures and characteristics. It is noted that there are several unresolved problems related to electrostatic discharge, due to its anomalous nature, and that in particular the phenomenon of indirect ESD is important for the EMI problem of electronic equipment. The topics of interference measurement devices and site attenuation have seen significant international standardization, and Japan has been in a leading position in these areas. The methods for the measurement of EMI of communication equipment and the question of immunity urgently need to be resolved and require standardization in the very near future. Japan is also a world leader in these areas and strongly promoting research on them. © 1999 Scripta Technica, Electron Comm Jpn Pt 1, 82(11): 8392, 1999