“…Note also that five dimensional super Yang-Mills have additional matter fields, such as colour adjoint chiral superfields [9,10], compared to its four dimensional counterparts and these can influence the RGEs. Regarding the breaking of supersymmetry, whilst gauge mediation is favoured (and some recent work on gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking in a five dimensional context may be found in [11][12][13][14][15][16][17]), ultimately the universality of squark massses in GMSB mean that even though the gaugino mediated limit [18][19][20][21] might allow for light squarks (and 5D RGE evolution allows for a large A t and the observed Higgs mass), the collider bounds on first and second generation squarks [22,23], in the supra-TeV range would apply also to the 3 rd generation squarks, i.e. the stops, which as discussed before, is both phenomenologically less interesting and unnatural.…”