realizing metasurfaces on flexible substrates is a good way to find practical applications in the real world as they can be conformed to non-flat objects, also in the visible range. [44,45] Their optical response can be coupled [45] or decoupled [46] to their geometrical form, depending on whether the application requires robustness or sensitivity with respect to the shape that they assume. This offers the possibility to multiplex information on to the shape of the metasurface, creating adaptive elements, for example for reconfigurable antennas, photonic skin, or signature control. While previous works have controlled the response of metasurfaces via stretching, [47,48] true shape-multiplexing has not yet been demonstrated. In this paper, we present the design, fabrication, and characterization of conformable metasurfaces which display different holographic images depending on their curvature, as sketched in Figure 1.In the following, we first present our design approach for the multiplexed holograms and for the metasurfaces. We then describe the experimental setup and present and discuss the results. The practical demonstration of our approach was done in the W-band (94 GHz), bending the metasurfaces into cylindrical shapes with opposite curvatures, in reflection configuration as exemplified in Figure 1. For the sake of clarity, the incident light is not shown. It should be noted that our design approach could be readily extended to other frequency domains, albeit with some caveats discussed below.
Design and Multiplexing of HologramsThe phase-only holograms were designed using the Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm [49] with the Rayleigh-Sommerfeld [50,51] propagator to model the propagation of light between the metasurface plane and the holographic image plane. To take into account the shape of the beam, we used a Gaussian beam as the source profile, with a beam waist of 2 cm. The intensity profile of the collimated incident beam is shown as Figure S1a, Supporting Information.To encode two images with different curvatures into one design, we calculated the independent holograms for the two different curvatures and interleaved the resulting phase profiles, as illustrated in Figure 2. Figure 2a,d shows the two independent target images to be obtained when the metasurface assumes the convex and concave cylindrical shape curvatures in Figure 2b,e, with radius of curvature R1 = 35 mm and R2 = −100 mm, respectively. R is defined as the radius of a circle that fits the sample holder, and + and -are used to distinguish In this paper, the design, fabrication, and experimental demonstration of conformable holographic metasurfaces are reported. Here, it is shown that the produced holographic image changes as the metasurface is applied to targets with different shapes. The demonstration is based on a reflective type metasurface, where the reflected polarization is perpendicular to that of the incident light. In addition, how the parameters of the metasurface determine the quality of the images produced and the ability to produce ...