We introduce a new form of the Segal-Bargmann transform for a Lie group K of compact type. We show that the heat kernel (ρt(x)) t>0,x∈K has a space-time analytic continuation to a holomorphic function (ρ C (τ, z)) Re τ >0,z∈K C , where K C is the complexification of K. The new transform is defined by the integralIf s > 0 and τ ∈ D(s, s) (the disk of radius s centered at s), this integral defines a holomorphic function on K C for each f ∈ L 2 (K, ρs). We construct a heat kernel density µs,τ on K C such that, for all s, τ as above, Bs,τ := Bτ | L 2 (K,ρs) is an isometric isomorphism from L 2 (K, ρs) onto the space of holomorphic functions in L 2 (K C , µs,τ ). When τ = t = s, the transform Bt,t coincides with the one introduced by the second author for compact groups and extended by the first author to groups of compact type. When τ = t ∈ (0, 2s), the transform Bs,t coincides with the one introduced by the first two authors.