We investigate one-loop four-point scattering of non-abelian gauge bosons in heterotic string theory and identify new connections with the corresponding open-string amplitude. In the low-energy expansion of the heterotic-string amplitude, the integrals over torus punctures are systematically evaluated in terms of modular graph forms, certain nonholomorphic modular forms. For a specific torus integral, the modular graph forms in the low-energy expansion are related to the elliptic multiple zeta values from the analogous openstring integrations over cylinder boundaries. The detailed correspondence between these modular graph forms and elliptic multiple zeta values supports a recent proposal for an elliptic generalization of the single-valued map at genus zero. (2,0) 12|34 66 D.2.2 Rewriting the integral I (4,0) 12|34 66 D.2.3 Towards a uniform-transcendentality basis 67 -ii -D.3 Efficiency of the new representations for higher-order expansions 67 E The elliptic single-valued map at the third order in α 68 E.1 Modular transformation of iterated Eisenstein integrals 68 E.2 The third α -order of I (2,0) 1234 and iterated Eisenstein integrals 69