Let X be a homogeneous space of a real reductive Lie group G. It was proved by T. Kobayashi and T. Oshima that the regular representation C ∞ (X) contains each irreducible representation of G at most finitely many times if a minimal parabolic subgroup P of G has an open orbit in X, or equivalently, if the number of P -orbits on X is finite. In contrast to the minimal parabolic case, for a general parabolic subgroup Q of G, we find a new example that the regular representation C ∞ (X) contains degenerate principal series representations induced from Q with infinite multiplicity even when the number of Q-orbits on X is finite. Definition 1.2. A homogeneous space G/H is real spherical if a minimal parabolic subgroup P of G has an open orbit in G/H. The following equivalence is well known by the work of B. Kimelfeld [7] and the real rank one reduction of T. Matsuki [13]: Fact 1.3 ([3, Theorem 2.2]). G/H is real spherical if and only if the number of H-orbits on G/P is finite. In other words, the condition (ii) in Fact 1.1 is equivalent to the following condition (iii):