Non‐invasive positive pressure ventilation (NPPV) is undoubtedly one of the most significant advancements in mechanical ventilation technology in the past 30 years. With accumulating evidence from clinical studies and support from clinical guidelines, NPPV is now widely used in hospitals and increasingly prescribed for home therapy in the Asia‐Pacific region. However, in comparison with the developed Western countries, overall use of NPPV in the region is lagging behind. This study reviews this imbalance of NPPV use both in the acute and domiciliary settings in the Asia‐Pacific region. Important issues related to NPPV use are also discussed along with speculation around potential strategies that could promote wider implementation of NPPV in the region. We hope this review will stimulate interest in the clinical application and potential research avenues for NPPV in the Asia‐Pacific region, and promote education and staff training in the technique.