Knowledge of the home range of threatened species is basic to their management and conservation. We describe the home range of the squirrel glider (Petaurus norfolcensis), a threatened marsupial, in the central part of its geographic range in eastern Australia. Thirteen individuals belonging to 6 monogamous social groups were radiotracked for 2-9 months. The adaptive kernel (AK95%) estimate reached an asymptote at approximately 30 locations, giving a mean area of 6.2 ha 6 0.6 SE for the 9 gliders with .30 locations. The AK50% averaged 0.9 6 0.2 ha, indicating that small core parts of the home range were used intensively. Home ranges of group members (AK95%) showed a high degree of overlap (77%) and when combined averaged 6.7 6 1.0 ha. They overlapped substantially (50%) with adjacent glider groups but core areas (AK50%) within them overlapped by only 12%. Two of 5 available habitats were well represented in all group home ranges. Habitat dominated by coast banksia (Banksia integrifolia), a key winter nectar food resource, was overrepresented compared to its availability. Conservation measures for this species involving habitat retention or restoration must be informed by recognition of what comprises a preferred local habitat and its distribution.