The present study had as its theme the sexual health of women. The purpose of this study was to know what care is and how to care for women who are prostitutes. I wanted to deal with this population, considering that like other women in other professions, they are susceptible to any sexually transmitted infections. She also wanted to know if there is a difference in the treatment given to them in their gynecological consultations if they receive more guidance on STI preventive methods than other women who are not prostitutes. Qualitative research was carried out using face-to-face interviews, using a semi-structured script with low-income prostitutes in the central region of the city of Santos / SP. The interviews were recorded, transcribed and the statements according to the thematic analysis. We interviewed 11 women aged 19 to 59 years. The care for these women in general refers to the use of male condoms with their clients, to perform examinations, body hygiene, talking about their professions to health professionals and also their gender identities. It was observed that the women addressed in this research did not receive specific guidelines regarding preventive health measures, most of them said they had not received any information from their parents, school or health services regarding pregnancy prevention and STIs before the first sexual intercourse. It is important to emphasize that the first sexual relation of three of the eleven interviewees was the result of rape in childhood, which contributed to their lack of care for themselves since their infancy. The vast majority of them do not use the female condom. However, it was observed that the care for them does not only include care with the body, with the biological. They in their statements cite the care with the children, with the parents and even witnessed a situation of care directed to me by one of the participants. In addition, I also identified my care for them when I gave them my attention and look.