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Documents inWe quantify that negative equity has a significant adverse impact on housing investments.We use data from the Consumer Expenditure Survey (CES) since it provides detailed data on a wide range of housing maintenance and improvements. In addition, the CES contains detailed mortgage data covering first liens and any second liens as well as a self-reported house value. This information is required for determining whether the household perceives that it is in negative equity. Using the reported expenditures, households in our estimation sample on average invest $2,241 per year (0.95% of the self-reported house value) on maintenance and improvements. Adjusting for the labor supplied by the household to investment projects increases this average annual investment to $3,152(1.4% of the self-reported house value In the next section, we discuss in more detail the reasons why negative equity may impact a household's housing investment decisions, and we review the limited research to date on this issue.In the data and methodology section, we detail how we generate our estimation sample. In addition,we highlight three issues that are important for the empirical work. We then present the main findings as well as some robustness checks. In the conclusion we discuss some broader implications of the findings and some policy implications.
Motivation and literature review