This paper analyzes neoliberalism as one of the foundations of homeschooling, a phenomenon which has attracted a growing interest in Brazil, evidenced by the attempts to regulate it in the country. In order to conduct such analysis, three of the most recognized representatives of neoliberalism were taken as reference, namely Friedrich Hayek, Milton Friedman e Ludwig von Mises, especially for their renewed concerns about the liberties, particularly the individual ones. Neoliberalism is presented as one of the theories that supports homeschooling, for its rejection of compulsory education, which carries strong implications for the educational debate, mainly as challenges to the public compulsory school. Keywords: homeschooling, neoliberalism, compulsory education
Resumo: Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar o neoliberalismo como um dos fundamentos da educação domiciliar, fenômeno de interesse crescente no Brasil, dada a tentativa de regulamentá-lo no país. Para tanto, foram tomados como referência três autorizados representantes do neoliberalismo: Friedrich Hayek; Milton Friedman e Ludwig von Mises e a reiterada