Most engineering students need to solve problems in order to master the content of an engineering course. To facilitate this, it is common for instructors to assign homework problems that should help the students learn the course material. To encourage students to complete the work, many instructors allocate a portion of the course grade to homework. One difficulty with this approach is that the instructor does not know if the student is doing the homework, or if the student is simply copying another's solution (including from solution manuals) and submitting that work as his/her own. Another difficulty is that the grading of homework sets in a large class can become quite burdensome on the instructor depending on if help is available in the form of a grader. One approach that has been used to address these difficulties is to assign suggested homework problems and then give the students short quizzes on the homework material rather than grading the assigned problems. This approach has been adopted and tested in a secondsemester course in Thermodynamics.This course has been taught by the author nearly every semester for well over a decade, and the topical coverage in the course has remained fundamentally the same. Until the Fall 2015 semester, the homework component of the students was determined via grading the homework sets. Beginning in that semester, the assessment of the homework was done through short 10minute quizzes on the assigned material on the date the homework was "due". The impacts that this change had on the performance of the students on the class mid-term and final examinations are considerable, as student grades on the tests were noticeably higher when using the homework quizzes. As the format of the course remained otherwise the same, comparisons between many semesters of students using both methods allows for a reasonable analysis of the impacts of the homework assessment mechanism. Because the exam grades are a good representation of student mastery of the course material, the use of homework quizzes is seen as beneficial to the students in this course.In addition, thorough descriptions of the two methods of homework assessment and an explanation of the similarity of the course in different semesters over the years are included. Possible reasons why the quiz approach may improve student test performance are discussed.