In this paper we consider C ∞ -generic families of area-preserving diffeomorphisms of the torus homotopic to the identity and their rotation sets. Let ft : T 2 → T 2 be such a family, ft : IR 2 → IR 2 be a fixed family of lifts and ρ( ft) be their rotation sets, which we assume to have interior for t in a certain open interval I. We also assume that some rational point ( p q , l q ) ∈ ∂ρ( f t ) for a certain parameter t ∈ I and we want to understand consequences of the following hypothesis: For all t > t, t ∈ I,Under these very natural assumptions, we prove that there exists a f q tfixed hyperbolic saddle P t such that its rotation vector is ( p q , l q ) and, there exists a sequence ti > t, ti → t, such that if Pt is the continuation of P t with the parameter, then W u ( Pt i ) (the unstable manifold) has quadratic tangencies with W s ( Pt i ) + (c, d) (the stable manifold translated by (c, d)), where Pt i is any lift of Pt i to the plane, in other words, Pt i is a fixed point for ( ft i ) q − (p, l), and (c, d) = (0, 0) are certain integer vectors such that W u ( P t ) do not intersect W s ( P t ) + (c, d). And these tangencies become transverse as t increases.As we also proved that for t > t, W u ( Pt) has transverse intersections with W s ( Pt) + (a, b), for all integer vectors (a, b), one may consider that the tangencies above are associated to the birth of the heteroclinic intersections in the plane that did not exist for t ≤ t.