DOI: 10.1007/s00248-014-0487-1
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Homogeneity of the Vaginal Microbiome at the Cervix, Posterior Fornix, and Vaginal Canal in Pregnant Chinese Women

Abstract: The vaginal microbiome is an emerging concern in prenatal health. Because the sampling process of vaginal microbiota may pose potential risks for pregnant women, the choice of sampling site should be carefully considered. However, whether the microbial diversity is different across various sampling sites has been controversial. In the present study, three repeated swabs were collected at the cervix (C), posterior fornix (P), and vaginal canal (V) from 34 Chinese women during different pregnancy stages, and vag… Show more

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Cited by 64 publications
(72 citation statements)
References 32 publications
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“…It has been suggested that C. trachomatis has developed a mechanism to evade the host's immune defence strategy by retaining a subset of the genes in the tryptophan synthesis pathway: the trpA, trpB, and trpR genes ( Figure 2B). It has been shown in vitro that these genes enable the urogenital strains of C. trachomatis to synthesize or rescue tryptophan from indole [24,61,62]. This set of genes was found to be upregulated in a cell culture infected with C. trachomatis and treated with IFN-g [58].…”
Section: Tryptophan Depletion Via Ifn-g Response and The C Trachomatmentioning
confidence: 92%
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“…It has been suggested that C. trachomatis has developed a mechanism to evade the host's immune defence strategy by retaining a subset of the genes in the tryptophan synthesis pathway: the trpA, trpB, and trpR genes ( Figure 2B). It has been shown in vitro that these genes enable the urogenital strains of C. trachomatis to synthesize or rescue tryptophan from indole [24,61,62]. This set of genes was found to be upregulated in a cell culture infected with C. trachomatis and treated with IFN-g [58].…”
Section: Tryptophan Depletion Via Ifn-g Response and The C Trachomatmentioning
confidence: 92%
“…The second mechanism, applicable only to the genital strains of C. trachomatis in the female genital tract, involves using the pool of extracellular indole produced by some bacterial species (e.g[ 8 _ T D $ D I F F ] ., Prevotella spp., Peptostreptococcus spp., Peptoniphilus spp., Porphyromonas spp. ), that are present in the fornix, cervix and lower region of the vaginal canal [61,128]. The C. trachomatis genital strains (D-K) have retained just the single enzyme, TrpBA, in the tryptophan biosynthetic pathway, which enables them to convert indole (produced by the microbiota) to tryptophan.…”
Section: How Chlamydia Can Utilize the Microbiome To Overcome Host Immentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…Среди остальных типов микробио-ценоза единообразия не наблюдалось: в одних случаях видовой и количественный состав пре-терпевал существенные изменения, в других -оставался стабильным в течение всего периода наблюдения. В нескольких последующих рабо-тах было проведено похожее разделение бак-териальных сообществ влагалища на кластеры с тем различием, что в некоторых работах не выявляли групп с доминированием L. gasseri или L. jensenii, так как это группы малочислен-ные и при выборке небольшого размера могут не выявляться [12][13][14].…”
Section: обсуждение результатовunclassified
“…The "community type" was also called "community state types (CSTs)" in some later studies. Some studies further investigated the associations between vagina CSTs and vaginal health in groups of particular ages [62,63], with the influence of HIV treatment [64,65], in pregnancy and birth [66][67][68], and so on.…”
Section: Characterization Of Microbiome Distribution Patternsmentioning
confidence: 99%