We describe all binary simple homogeneous structures M in terms of ∅definable equivalence relations on M , which "coordinatize" M and control dividing, and extension properties that respect these equivalence relations. The expressions finitely homogeneous and ultrahomogeneous are also used for the same notion. 1 c R c, b ⌣ | c Rdand tp(a/acl(c R )) = tp(b/acl(c R )), where 'acl' is taken in M eq , then there is e ∈ M such that tp(e, c) = tp(a, c) and tp(e,d) = tp (b,d). Otherwise such e may not exist (in any elementary extension of M), not even whend is a single element.and tp(a/acl(c R )) = tp(b/acl(c R )), are just the premisses (in the present context) of the independence theorem for simple theories. So the interesting part, with respect to (d)(ii), is that if (for every R as in (i)) these premisses are not satisfied, then a "common extension" may not exist. Thus we do not, in general, get anything "for free" beyond what the independence theorem guarantees. From this, one may get the impression that common extensions of types like in (d) are unusual. But note that, by part (i) of (d), we can always find a ∅-definable equivalence relation R such that c ⌣ | c Rd . Therefore I would say that (by part (ii) of (d)), in a binary simple structure, common extensions of two types do exist as long as we respect all ∅-definable equivalence relations and some other "reasonable" conditions related to them. The examples in sections 7.1 -7.3 show that these conditions are, in fact, necessary. The reason that (d) only considers an extension of two 1-types (one of which has only one parameter c) is that, since M is binary with elimination of quantifiers, the problem of extending more than two k-types (with finite parameter sets) can be reduced to a finite sequence of "extension problems", each of which involves only two 1-types and one of the types has only one parameter. More about this is said in the beginning of Section 6.From the proofs of the main results, one can extract information about ω-categorical (not necessarily binary or homogeneous) supersimple structures with finite SU-rank and trivial dependence. This information is presented in Corollaries 5.3 and 5.4, and may be useful in future studies of nonbinary simple homogeneous structures. Now we turn to problems about simple homogeneous structures. If M is stable and homogeneous, then M has the finite submodel property 3 and T h(M) is decidable. (For the first result, see [23, Proposition 5.1] or [17, Lemma 7.1]; for the second, see the proof of Theorem 5.2 in [23].) It is still not settled whether every binary simple homogeneous structure has the finite submodel property, nor whether its theory must be decidable. But my guess is that the answer is 'yes' to both questions. 4 Regarding nonbinary simple homogeneous structures, I would say that all core problems are unsolved. The answer is unknown to each of these questions, where we assume that M is (nonbinary) simple and homogeneous: Must T h(M) be supersimple? If T h(M) is supersimple, must it have finite SU-rank?. M...