Total and minimum reflux bounds ser®e as limiting case scenarios for determining feasibility in azeotropic distillation columns. Specifically, all reachable feed compositions in a staged rectifying or stripping section ha®e been reported as the union of points enclosed by the distillation and pinch-point cur®es through a desired product. By eigen®alue considerations of pinch bifurcations and geometric analysis of fundamental region structures, the region of all reachable compositions has seemingly been identified. Additional insights are needed to fully characterize the feasible compositions in a subset of azeotropic mixtures. This article describes how sectional profiles can actually cross pinch-point cur®es and generate a region of additional feasibility outside the one pre®i-ously reported. It also demonstrates how a substantially larger region between the distillation line and pinch-point cur®e after the intersection is only accessible by composition profiles going through the extended region. This extended reachable region is explained by e®aluating the conditions for a fixed point in composition space. The effect on sectional profiles is illustrated for both an artificially parametric VLE manifold and a nonideal azeotropic system with more than one simple distillation region. Sectional profiles extended beyond the traditional bounds affect coupled sections in a distillation cascade.
IntroductionThe preliminary step in process design is identifying types of equipment that might achieve a set of desired objectives. It is important that a complete list of alternative structures is identified in the synthesis step to ensure that all possible process configurations are considered for the final design. With this exhaustive set of alternatives in hand, each structure is then evaluated in terms of feasibility. This step asks whether a particular process configuration can meet the design goals Ž . that is, product specifications . The intent of a feasibility check is to quickly establish, without carrying out a detailed design, whether or not a process alternative has the capability to perform the desired task. Once the set of structures is narrowed down to a few feasible alternatives, a more in-depth design is necessary to determine which structure is most suitable in terms of economics, process control, and operability.Significant research efforts have focused on developing process synthesis methods and feasibility criteria for distilla-Ž . tion systems. Westerberg and Wahnschaft 1996 review colCorrespondence concerning this article should be addressed to S. Hauan. umn sequencing algorithms that have been established for separating multicomponent ideal mixtures. Synthesis tools for systems exhibiting azeotropic behavior are largely based on Ž the thermodynamic topological analysis Serafimov, 1987; . Hilmen, 2000 described in the Russian literature. Although this geometric approach has been generalized for n-component systems, most research efforts toward a systematic synthesis method for azeotropic mixtures have...