Displacing internal combustion engines (ICE) from the passenger car sector does not mean displacing it from all industries and specific applications. Thanks to the analysis of data on compression ignition (CI) engines used in the world, it is possible to prepare ready-made solutions for the most common engines in selected industries or for those whose greenhouse gas emissions will be the largest and most expensive for their owners in the coming years. The basic solution presented in this article gives the possibility of powering the engines with the most ecological currently known alternative motor fuels and using the already existing methane transmission infrastructure around the world. Their greatest advantage is their availability and low carbon content, which allows to minimize carbon dioxide emissions, both by burning hydrogen-enriched fuels and by increasing the efficiency of the engines modified by dual fuel supply system. Properly made external dual-fuel installation allows to improve the thermal efficiency of the CI engine. Work on this issue may help in the development of, for example, high-efficiency flex fuel power generators, which, as the current situation in Ukraine shows, are worthy. Thanks to the diversification of power sources for power generators, the countriesy is able to increase the reliability and security of energy supplies even in difficult conditions, such as armed conflict or natural disasters.