We show that simply connected Riemannian homogeneous spaces of compact semisimple Lie groups with polar isotropy actions are symmetric, generalizing results of Fabio Podestà and the third named author. Without assuming compactness, we give a classification of Riemannian homogeneous spaces of semisimple Lie groups whose linear isotropy representations are polar. We show for various such spaces that they do not have polar isotropy actions. Moreover, we prove that Heisenberg groups and non-symmetric Damek-Ricci spaces have non-polar isotropy actions.2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 53C30, 53C35, 57S15, 57S20.1 metric Damek-Ricci spaces, do not have polar isotropy actions. We briefly recall the construction of these spaces and refer to [2] for more details.Let n = v ⊕ z be a Lie algebra, equipped with an inner product ·, · such that v, z = 0, and whose Lie bracket satisfies [v, v] The Lie algebra n is called a generalized Heisenberg algebra if