We define geodesic normal forms for the general series of complex reflection groups G(e, e, n). This requires the elaboration of a combinatorial technique in order to explicitly determine minimal word representatives of the elements of G(e, e, n) over the generating set of the presentation of Corran-Picantin. Using these geodesic normal forms, we construct intervals in G(e, e, n) that are lattices. This gives rise to interval Garside groups. We determine which of these groups are isomorphic to the complex braid group B(e, e, n) and get a complete classification. For the other Garside groups that appear in our construction, we provide some of their properties and compute their second integral homology groups in order to understand these new structures.A complex reflection is a linear transformation of finite order, which fixes a hyperplane pointwise. Let W be a finite subgroup of GL n (C) with n ≥ 1 and R be the set of complex reflections of W . We say that W is a complex reflection group if W is generated by R. It is well known that every complex reflection group is a direct product of irreducible ones. These irreducible complex reflection groups have been classified by Shephard and Todd [23] in 1954. The classification consists of the following cases:• The infinite series G(de, e, n) depending on three positive integer parameters,• 34 exceptional groups.As we are interested in the groups of the infinite series, we provide the definition of the group G(de, e, n). For the definition of the 34 exceptional groups, see [23].Definition 1.1. The group G(de, e, n) is defined as the group of n × n monomial matrices (each row and column has a unique nonzero entry), where• all nonzero entries are de-th roots of unity and• the product of all the nonzero entries is a d-th root of unity.Broué, Malle and Rouquier [5] managed to associate a complex braid group B to each complex reflection group W . The definition of the complex braid group related to W is as follows. Let A := {Ker(s − 1) s.t. s ∈ R} be the hyperplane arrangement and X := C n \ A be the hyperplane complement. The complex reflection group W acts naturally on X. Let X/W be its space of orbits.Definition 1.2. The complex braid group associated with W is defined as the fundamental group:B := π 1 (X/W ).If W is equal to G(de, e, n), then we denote by B(de, e, n) the associated complex braid group. According to the results in [5], one can readily check that the complex braid groups B(de, e, n) are all isomorphic to B(2e, e, n) for d > 1. Hence the complex braid groups associated with the 3-parameter series G(de, e, n) arise from the two 2-parameter series G(e, e, n) and G(2e, e, n). This paper concerns the complex braid groups B(e, e, n) and their associated complex reflection groups G(e, e, n).Let W be a real reflection group, meaning that W is a subgroup of GL n (R). By [3] and [2], we recover in the previous definitions the notion of Coxeter and Artin-Tits groups that we recall now. Definition 1.3. Assume that W is a group and S be a subset of W . For s and t in S,...