G protein-coupled receptors comprise the largest family of eukaryotic signal transduction proteins that communicate across the membrane. We report the crystal structure of a human β 2 -adrenergic receptor-T4 lysozyme fusion protein bound to the partial inverse agonist carazolol at 2.4 Å resolution. The structure provides a high-resolution view of a human G protein-coupled receptor bound to a diffusible ligand. Ligand-binding site accessibility is enabled by the second extracellular loop which is held out of the binding cavity by a pair of closely spaced disulfide bridges and a short helical segment within the loop. Cholesterol, a necessary component for crystallization, mediates an intriguing parallel association of receptor molecules in the crystal lattice. Although the location of carazolol in the β 2 -adrenergic receptor is very similar to that of retinal in rhodopsin, structural differences in the ligand binding site and other regions highlight the challenges in using rhodopsin as a template model for this large receptor family.* To whom correspondence should be addressed: stevens@scripps.edu; kobilka@stanford.edu $ These authors contributed equally Author Contributions: RCS and BKK independently pushed the GPCR structural biology projects for more than 15 years. BKK managed the protein design, production and purification. RCS managed novel crystallization and data collection methods development and experiments. VC developed novel methods for, and performed LCP crystallization, LCP crystal mounting, LCP data collection, model refinement, analyzed the results, and was involved in manuscript preparation. DMR supplied protein materials for all crystallization trials, grew and collected data from the bicelle crystals, collected, processed and refined the 3.5 Å LCP structure, refined the 2.4 Å structure, analyzed the results, and was involved in manuscript preparation. MAH designed the blind crystal screening protocol and collected the 2.4 Å data set, processed the 2.4 Å data, solved the structure by MR at 3.5 Å and 2.4 Å resolution, wrote the initial draft of the manuscript and created all figures. SGFR assisted with the final stages of β 2 AR-T4L purification. FST expressed β 2 AR-T4L in insect cells and, together with TSK, performed the initial stage of β 2 AR purification. HJC assisted with the refinement. PK assisted in developing novel methods to screen the transparent crystals, data collection, refinement, and was involved in manuscript preparation. WIW assisted with low resolution data collection and processing, solved the β 2 AR-T4L molecular replacement problem at 3.5 Å, participated in the 2.4 Å refinement process, and participated in structure analysis and manuscript preparation. BKK additionally assisted with β 2 AR-T4L purification, β 2 AR-T4L 3.5 Å synchrotron data collection, structure analysis and manuscript preparation. BKK and DMR designed the β 2 AR-T4L fusion protein strategy. RCS additionally assisted with β 2 AR-T4L crystallization, 2.4 Å data collection, structure solution, refinem...