We study the interplay between additivity (as in the Cauchy functional equation), subadditivity and linearity. We obtain automatic continuity results in which additive or subadditive functions, under minimal regularity conditions, are continuous and so linear. We apply our results in the context of quantifier weakening in the theory of regular variation, completing our programme of reducing the number of hard proofs there to zero.S is continuous at 0 iff S(z n ) → 0, for some sequence z n ↑ 0, and then S is continuous everywhere, if finite-valued.The last part above draws on [HilP, Th. 2.5.2] that, for a subadditive function, continuity at the origin implies continuity everywhere. Theorem 0 above, in the presence of right-sided continuity, asserts that the merest hint of left-sided continuity gives full continuity; contrast this with the behaviour of the subadditive function 1 [0,∞) , which is continuous on the right but not on the left. This leads to the question of whether right-sided continuity can be thinned out. We are able to do so in the next two results below, but at the cost of imposing more structure, either on the left, or on the right. We need the following two definitions.Definitions. 1. Say that Σ is locally Steinhaus-Weil (SW), or has the SW property locally, if for x, y ∈ Σ and, for all δ > 0 sufficiently small, the sets Σ δ z := Σ ∩ B δ (z),