“…Returning to relevant TA theory, of particular note in the context of this research is Stuthridge's (2006) observation that "disorganized attachment in children predicts dissociative symptoms in adults" (Stuthridge, 2006, p.274), which led the authors to question to what extent the combat-related PTSD exhibited by veterans participating in this study, several of whom originated in highly dysfunctional families, had been exacerbated by insecure and, sometimes, abusive attachments during childhood. Perhaps, therefore, these individuals were exhibiting what Schnurr and Friedman (1997) much extant research into the effectiveness of psychotherapy in treating PTSD, there is also the fact that all 15 veterans in this study were male and, mindful of Shadbolt's (2004) comments on the curative necessity of the twinship transference (Kohut, 1984) and sameness experiences in the therapeutic relationship, it is interesting to speculate how the results might have differed had there been female veterans available for study.…”