In this work, given two crossed modules M = (μ : M → A) and N = (η : N → B) of Ralgebroids and a crossed module morphism f : M → N , we introduce an f-derivation as an ordered pair Hwhich are subject to satisfy certain axioms and show that f and H determine a crossed module morphism g : M → N . Then calling such a pair (H , f ) a homotopy from f to g we prove that there exists a groupoid structure of which objects are crossed module morphisms from M to N and morphisms are homotopies between crossed module morphisms. Moreover, given two crossed module morphisms f , g : M → N , we introduce an f g-map as a map Λ : A 0 → Mor (N) subject to some conditions and then show that Λ determines for each homotopy (H , f ) from f to g a homotopy H , f from f to g. Furthermore, calling such a pair (Λ, (H , f )) a 2-fold homotopy from (H , f ) to H , f we prove that the groupoid structure constructed by crossed module morphisms from M to N and homotopies between them is upgraded by 2-fold homotopies to a 2-groupoid structure. Besides, in order to see reduced versions of all general constructions mentioned, we examine homotopies of crossed modules of associative R-algebras, as a pre-stage.